Let there be doubt
""who said Putin killed Litvinenko?"
Those who dare, and live to speak..
Don`t kill me, please!
Best regards
Sigurd Lydersen, Oslo, Norway"
Aleksandr Litvinenko, as Anna Politkovskaja, were Russian citizens, and wellknown such internationally. Who ever killed them, their safety was the responsibility of the Russian state and its head mr. Vladimir Putin. The prime purpose of the state, for you who do not yet know, is to protect its citizens, non-regarding their personal beliefs and opinions. A state which makes certains beliefs and opinions a necessary precondition for the citizens to enjoy protection, is not a democratic state, but an ideological-authoritarian one.
Why did mr. Litvinenko, a Russian citizen, flee to London, like other remarkable Russians, like Boris Berezovskij and Roman Abramovich? Because he did not feel safe back home in Russia, experiencing that the Russian state was not defending his interests, but persecuting him. The Russian state of today does NOT secure the interests of all Russian citizens, but has been transformed into a tool of ONE GROUP of Russian society, making use of it to turn all the rest into its servants. We`re witnessing the re-establishment of feudalism, krepostnaja prava, on the ruins of Great Socialist Soviet Union.
We, the anticommunist westerners, actually bear the main responsibility for this sad and absurd turn of events, as if the historical development could be reversed just like that. Poor and hungry people tend to turn to extremes to survive, and instead of helping generously with the necessary modernization of the Soviet industry, we have turned the whole of the Soviet Union into something similar to Leningrad under siege by German fascists during WWII, forcing the Soviets to kill each other in a brutal fight for survival.
But to respect mr. Putin for letting the killings happen, even encourage them in the bloody war-hell of Northern Caucasus, is wrong. Pity is more appropriate, and western selfcriticism, deep selfcriticism.
- Let there be no doubt, says Bush. - Let there be a lot of doubt, I say.
Best regards
Sigurd Lydersen, Oslo, Norway
Those who dare, and live to speak..
Don`t kill me, please!
Best regards
Sigurd Lydersen, Oslo, Norway"
Aleksandr Litvinenko, as Anna Politkovskaja, were Russian citizens, and wellknown such internationally. Who ever killed them, their safety was the responsibility of the Russian state and its head mr. Vladimir Putin. The prime purpose of the state, for you who do not yet know, is to protect its citizens, non-regarding their personal beliefs and opinions. A state which makes certains beliefs and opinions a necessary precondition for the citizens to enjoy protection, is not a democratic state, but an ideological-authoritarian one.
Why did mr. Litvinenko, a Russian citizen, flee to London, like other remarkable Russians, like Boris Berezovskij and Roman Abramovich? Because he did not feel safe back home in Russia, experiencing that the Russian state was not defending his interests, but persecuting him. The Russian state of today does NOT secure the interests of all Russian citizens, but has been transformed into a tool of ONE GROUP of Russian society, making use of it to turn all the rest into its servants. We`re witnessing the re-establishment of feudalism, krepostnaja prava, on the ruins of Great Socialist Soviet Union.
We, the anticommunist westerners, actually bear the main responsibility for this sad and absurd turn of events, as if the historical development could be reversed just like that. Poor and hungry people tend to turn to extremes to survive, and instead of helping generously with the necessary modernization of the Soviet industry, we have turned the whole of the Soviet Union into something similar to Leningrad under siege by German fascists during WWII, forcing the Soviets to kill each other in a brutal fight for survival.
But to respect mr. Putin for letting the killings happen, even encourage them in the bloody war-hell of Northern Caucasus, is wrong. Pity is more appropriate, and western selfcriticism, deep selfcriticism.
- Let there be no doubt, says Bush. - Let there be a lot of doubt, I say.
Best regards
Sigurd Lydersen, Oslo, Norway
Sigurd Lydersen, at 12:18 PM
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