Soviet Philosophy

Saturday, September 09, 2006

End of theatre

Dear Torgrim Titlestad, professor of history at the University of Stavanger, Russia-related professors of University of Oslo and a few more,

Please let me inform you on this latest contact of mine with professor Andrey Maidansky at the University of Taganrog situated at the north east coast of the Azov-sea: Maidansky made contact with me after finding my internet-blog devoted to Soviet Philosophy, and reading my lengthy letter in Russian for my Ukrainian friends from April this year: He got particularly interested in my remark that I have carried out a translation of an essay of the outstanding Soviet philosopher Evald Ilenkov, and therefore sent me an e-mail yesterday with a request for more information on the publication of the text.

In my attached answer, which I have also made public at my blog, I describe for Maidansky the situation and the challenges related to such a publication in Norway of Ilenkov as a representative of the Soviet philosophical tradition, of which also Andrey Maidansky himself belongs. I am sorry that this means describing a rather hostile Norwegian environment, in which I find my self unemployed and even persecuted legally as an outcast, where my translation-activity is only to be regarded a desperate act of selfdefence against a Norwegian state apparatus which appears scaringly deaf and blind in relation to the subtleties of my personal situation, after having obtained new and necessary knowledge of the development in Soviet academy througout the Cold war. This I am writing from the "job-club" for which I am sent by the authorities and obliged to follow not to loose my unemployment-money, where I am expected to seek for a job non-regarding my studies and relevant background from four years in service of Norwegian authors in the administration of the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writer and Translator Association (NFF). Besides having me persecuted in the Oslo city court in Mars last year, the deaf and blind state Norwegian apparatus now in this way is engaged in destroying my unique competence, to help the leadership of NFF save their face and "personal peace", together with the responsible ones of the "judicial murder" completed against me. In this way my personal history from the last years constitutes a telling sociological survey on the true state of affairs in Norway, which is effectively revealed as a society not deserving the honorary label of "democracy" at all, but in fact is nothing but a late-feudal structure, where the state-apparatus is not complying to the needs of ordinary Norwegian citizens, but the selected few who are not to be regarded citizens, but above them and closer to God, the King and his family. I have avoided to see this painful reality of Norwegian society as long as possible, while pursuing my own conscience and interests, but now the situation has become so severe for me personally, that I have no alternative but to relate to the painful reality, that I am in conflict with the basic principle of Norwegian society and simply have no elementary Human rights to appeal for, because I am to be regarded a subject of the kings family, not a free Norwegian citizen of a Norwegian democratic state.

This is an empirical fact, and the only way to eliminate this empirical fact which I today with my own personal situation constitute, is actually to eliminate me as a person. Beginning with the sacking of me from NFF in May 2004, the judicial persecution, three meetings in the Oslo and Akershus reconciliation counsel (Konfliktråd) and now the "job club" as a Procrusstean bed into which I am to be forced, where I simply to defend my self and my personal integrity must constitute scandals of shocking openess, act as a sort of "clown", to remind my self and everybody else that the ordinary way to "return" to an "ordinary work" is shut for an enemy of the royal state like me, where the only option is believed to be to "change my attitude", shift away from my findings in Soviet sources and pay allegiance to the king and the church. This whole drama is going on without any printed media taking notice, while it in fact is closely interlinked with the anniversary of Ibsens death 100 years ago, which in royal Norway is more a celebration of the an outcasts death than a mourning, as if someone here miss the old, bitter writer. Well, I do really miss him, because he would be capable of understanding the scope of my situation, and provide the human support I am in desperate need of. With Ibsen alive I would not be so scaringly isolated and alone, but there would have been, at least, two of us..

All of this is highly irrelevant to what I would like to spend my time on, in continuation of the revealing findings of my masterthesis successfully defended at the University of Oslo in autumn 1999, of which my translation of Evald Ilenkov for a Norwegian audience is a part. In my letter for Maidansky I have explained my principal stand on authors rights, and why it is important to me that a possible publication of my translation of Ilenkov through the internet should take place within a legal frame, where the authors rights of Ilenkov is duly respected. If such a legal frame is non-existent, it must be established, before I make the publication, not to make me appear as a thief of intellectual property. Below you find my praise for Maidansky`s rich internet-resource on Ilenkov, mirroring a situation in crise-struck post Soviet republics where scientific personell and authors are happy to have someone reading their work through the internet, and therefore, obviously, do not afford to or have at all had the opportunity to demand any form of compensation for their intellectual work. This situation equals my own as an unemployed outcast in Norwegian society experiencing total political censorship in the printed royal state medias, and also at socalled open internet-resources, controlled by people who may be held accountable for my honest and controversial views. Under such harsh and exceptional circumstances all honest and liberating literary work must go on "under ground" and take place on a "con amore" basis, where no compensation in form of money is possible, because providing such a compensation means committing oneself to the "forbidden" message, and face a likewise destiny as an outcast of royal Norwegian society.

The Norwegian state apparatus, it means everyone who make a living from being in its service, is therefore today presented with a choice, whether it will continue serve the kings family, or whether it considers itself in the service of the Norwegian ordinary citizens. I understand the many attempts to make me "shift course" from different representatives of the Norwegian royal state apparatus on my way, as humble requests to help them avoid this painful choice, by simply making the choice for them, by not challenging the Norwegian king as the head of the Norwegian state anymore and adjust to the "reality as it is". Should I make this "grown up decision" made by so many before me I would surely be rewarded with a nice position in the kings "court", have the ban on me lifted immediately and be reaccepted as a full member again of Norwegian society, with the protection of the king, like Ari Behn and Mette Marit. This is what everyone patiently have been waiting for since I was kicked into unemployment two years ago, and persecuted by the Oslo-police for my information-activity through SMS and e-mail.

I am sorry to declare that I see it as my duty as a Norwegian citizen not to give after for this pressure, and stay determined to claim my rights as a free citizen of the Norwegian state, and thereby challenge the king as the head of the Norwegian state. Someone ought today to press for the necessary modernization of the Norwegian constitution to adopt it to todays new situation of a highly educated and technologized society, which makes it possible to reach out with this message of mine not only to a wide range of public Norwegian persons, but also abroad, to Russia and the USA. To give after for royal pressure under these new circumstances, with my insight in liberating Soviet affairs, would clearly be the sign of insanity which many representatives of the Norwegian state apparatus have claimed me to suffer from. As the American president George Bush loves to put it: "Let there be no doubt": There is simply no hope for the nobel couse of forcing me to give up on this one, and I therefore now challenge the Norwegian state apparatus to show what is in their powers to stop me from pursuing this course of mine. The Moscwa-veteran Hans-Wilhem Steinfeld of the stateowned Norwegian radio and television-company NRK at the very Norwegian constitution day of May 17, threatened my good friend Ivan Johnsen when they accidentally met, that he was striving to have me put in a psychiatric hospital by force. To make such a threat work, it is important that it is carried out, and I still haven`t had visitors with the intent of bringing me in for this cause. Now the time is running out for the remaining psychiatric weapon of the Norwegian royal state apparatus like oppositional voices like me, and an impression is taking shape that the Norwegian men and women in the service of the Norwegian state apparatus actually after all is not intending to carry out the harsh punishment needed to save "the peace of the king", but actually are of an basic human and democratic attitude, since challenging my interests as a Norwegian citizen means challenging their own interests as Norwegian citizens. Then the king finally is effectively revealed as a person similar to all other persons, like in the fairytale of the "Emperors new clothes", and the whole feudal theatre therefore may be brought to an end in Norway, with no bloodshed at all, only through dialogue and mutual understanding, like the peaceful dissolution of the Norwegian-Sweedish Union in 1905.

I hope we can agree that this is the only natural outcome of this whole unpleasant and rather absurd history and situation, and calmly direct our attention not only to Ilenkov, but also to the project of professor Titlestad at the new University of Stavanger, who in this interview from June this year explains why they will put more focus on the oral tradition as an important information-carrier:

The perspective of professor Titlestad meets the challenge both of the internet-revolution, bluring the traditional border of oral and written language, and of the necessary integration of non-western voices like Evald Ilenkov, who then constitutes only the tip of the iceberg not only in the contemporary world we are living in, but also historically, as explained in my letter for Maidansky for you who are in conduct of Russian, opening the path for the history told by Snorre, which means that we probably originate from the region of Taganrog, may share anchestors with professor Maidansky and came to Scandinavia about a 100 years before our age, on the run from the Roman empire, living through is final days in todays chaotic Middle-East.

This honest explanation and suggestions from me is to be regarded an open application for the job which has to be done in this field, which may be organized in many different ways, given a general common understanding of the problem and its solution. I hope with this to provoke an higher degree of communication between me and the others on this e-mail list and amongst you to speed up the process, which todays information-technology makes possible and invites to, a process which today is vital to my personal survival, while it may seem challenging and risky to those of you who already are in safe positions, and experience to have more to loose than gain from it. In this regard I and the Russian professor Andrey Maidanski at the University of Taganrog and his many post-Soviet colleguas, many of whom I met with in Moscow in 98-99, certainly is in a much more likewise situation, I presume, and that`s obviously why he is the one who contacts me, while his western colleguas are silent like oysters. I only like you to know that I am perfectly aware of the whole situation, and that I do not mix sentimental morals into it, have no moral critic against your passivity, only am a bit puzzled that you do not from your safe positions strive for more fun.

It doesn`t absolutely need to be so damned boring, you know, especially not in our days. Any movement to come here?

Deleted by the Norwegian royal censorship-service:

Best regards
Sigurd Lydersen


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